网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-02 09:12:16

人山人海英语的正确翻译为"crowded with people",意为"拥挤的人群"。这个短语通常用来形容一个地方或场所非常拥挤,人数众多。


"crowded with people"是一个形容词短语,可以用来修饰名词,也可以作为句子的主语或宾语。在句子中,它通常放在被修饰的名词之前。


1. The streets were crowded with people during the festival.


2. The concert was so popular that the stadium was crowded with people.


3. We went to the beach, but it was too crowded with people, so we left.


4. The train station is always crowded with people during rush hour.


5. I don't like going to shopping malls because they are always crowded with people.



1. Packed with people:与crowded with people意思相同,形容某地方非常拥挤。

2. Teeming with people:也可与crowded with people意思相同,表示某地方人数众多。

3. Swarming with people:也可与crowded with people意思相同,形容某地方人群密集。

4. Jammed with people:与crowded with people意思相近,表示某地方非常拥挤。

5. Full of people:也可与crowded with people意思相近,形容某地方人数众多。

