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2024-08-02 09:12:14

How to Translate the English Phrase "Pros and Cons"?


"Pros and cons"是一个英文短语,指的是一件事物的优点和缺点。它通常用于对比两种不同的选择或方案,以帮助决定最合适的选择。


1. One should always consider the pros and cons before making a decision. (在做决定之前,应该考虑所有的优缺点。)

2. Let's weigh the pros and cons of each option before we make a final decision. (让我们权衡每个选项的利弊,再做最终决定。)

3. The pros and cons of working from home are different for everyone. (在家工作的利弊对每个人来说都不同。)

4. Before we start this project, let's discuss the pros and cons with our team members. (在开始这个项目之前,让我们与团队成员讨论一下利弊。)

5. There are both pros and cons to living in a big city. (生活在大城市有利有弊。)


1. Advantages and disadvantages - 指事物的优点和缺点,与pros and cons含义相同。

2. Strengths and weaknesses - 指某人或某物具有的优势和劣势。

3. Positives and negatives - 指事物带来的好处和不利因素。

4. Pluses and minuses - 指某事物的积极和消极方面。

5. Benefits and drawbacks - 指某事物的益处和不利条件。
