网校一点通 学习方法


2024-08-02 09:07:05



1. 作为名词,用于表示某一类别内部的不同类型或形态。

:There are many varieties of roses in this garden. (这个花园里有许多种类的玫瑰。)

2. 作为形容词,用于修饰名词,表示多样性或变化。

:We offer a variety of options for our customers. (我们为客户提供多种选择。)

3. 作为动词,用于表示改变或使多样化。

:We need to vary the menu to offer more variety to our customers. (我们需要改变菜单,给客户提供更多选择。)


1. There are various varieties of apples, such as red delicious, granny smith and golden delicious. (苹果有很多品种,如红富士、青苹果和金冠。)

2. The zoo has a wide variety of animals, from lions and tigers to elephants and giraffes. (动物园有各种各样的动物,从狮子和老虎到大象和长颈鹿都有。)

3. The fashion show featured a variety of styles, from elegant dresses to edgy streetwear. (时装秀展示了各种风格,从优雅的礼服到前卫的街头服饰。)

4. The farmer grows a variety of crops, including wheat, corn and soybeans. (农民种植各种作物,包括小麦、玉米和大豆。)

5. The city is known for its cultural diversity, with a variety of ethnic groups living together harmoniously. (这座城市以其文化多样性闻名,各种族群和谐地生活在一起。)


1. Diversity:表示多样性或差异性,与variety意思相近。

:The country boasts a rich diversity of wildlife. (这个拥有丰富多样的野生动物。)

2. Assortment:表示各式各样的东西。

:The store offers an assortment of chocolates from different countries. (这家商店提供来自不同的各种巧克力。)

3. Range:表示范围或选择。

:The company has a wide range of products to choose from. (这家公司有很多产品可供选择。)

4. Type:表示类型或种类。

:There are different types of dogs, such as poodles, beagles and golden retrievers. (狗有不同的品种,如贵宾犬、小猎犬和金毛寻回犬。)

5. Breed:用于动物领域,表示品种或养殖出来的特定类型。

:The farmer raises a rare breed of sheep for their high-quality wool. (农民养殖一种稀有的羊,以获取高质量的羊毛。)
