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2024-08-01 08:45:30

How to translate "商标法" in English? What does "商标法" mean in English?




1. 根据《商标法》,任何未经授权使用他人注册商标的行为都将被视为侵权。

According to the Trademark Law, any unauthorized use of a registered trademark will be considered as infringement.

2. 商标是企业的重要资产,应该根据《商标法》进行合理的管理和保护。

Trademarks are important assets for businesses and should be managed and protected in accordance with the Trademark Law.

3. 在申请注册商标时,必须遵守《商标法》中关于申请人资格、申请材料等方面的规定。

When applying for trademark registration, one must comply with the provisions of the Trademark Law regarding applicant qualifications, application materials, etc.

4. 如果有他人侵犯了自己的商标权益,可以根据《商标法》提起侵权诉讼。

If one finds that their trademark rights have been infringed by others, they can file a lawsuit for infringement under the Trademark Law.

5. 《商标法》的修订将进一步加强对商标的保护,促进商标的良性发展。

The revision of the Trademark Law will further strengthen the protection of trademarks and promote the healthy development of trademarks.



In addition, “trademark legislation”, “trademark regulations”, “trademark provisions” are also synonyms for the Trademark Law. They all refer to the same legal provisions that protect trademark rights. The appropriate term should be chosen based on specific context.
