网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-31 11:15:51



1. 作为动词,yields可以表示放弃、屈服或让步。:"The company will not yield to the demands of the workers." (公司不会屈服于工人的要求。)

2. 作为名词,yields可以指农作物的产量、利润的收益或投资的回报。:"The yield of this year's harvest is expected to be lower due to the drought." (由于干旱,今年收获的产量预计会较低。)


1. The government hopes that this new policy will yield positive results in reducing crime rates. (希望这项新能够在减少犯罪率方面取得积极成果。)

2. The company's investments have yielded high returns in the past year. (公司过去一年的投资收益很高。)

3. After months of negotiations, the two sides finally reached a compromise and yielded to each other's demands. (经过几个月的谈判,双方最终达成了妥协,并互相让步了对方的要求。)

4. The farmer was disappointed with the low yield of his crops this year. (农民对今年庄稼的低产量感到失望。)

5. The bond's yield is currently at 5%, which is attractive to investors. (这种债券的收益率目前为5%,对投资者来说很有吸引力。)


1. produce:作为动词,表示生产、制造或产生。:"The factory produces over 500 cars every day." (这家工厂每天生产超过500辆汽车。)

2. output:作为名词,表示产量、输出或成果。:"The company's output has increased by 20% compared to last year." (与去年相比,公司的产量增加了20%。)

3. profit:作为名词,表示利润、收益或盈利。:"The company's profits have been steadily increasing over the past few years." (近几年来,公司的利润稳步增长。)

4. concede:作为动词,表示让步、承认或容许。:"The government conceded to the protesters' demands and promised to make changes." (向者让步,并承诺做出改变。)
