网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-31 11:15:47



例句1:I came across a phrase that I'm not sure how to translate. (我遇到了一个短语,不确定该如何翻译。)

例句2:I have trouble understanding this sentence, I'm not sure how to translate it. (我无法理解这个句子,不确定该如何翻译。)

例句3:Can you help me with this word? I'm not sure how to translate it. (你能帮我解决这个单词吗?我不确定该如何翻译。)

例句4:As a translator, I often encounter situations where I'm not sure how to translate certain words or phrases. (作为一名翻译人员,我经常遇到无法确定如何翻译某些单词或短语的情况。)

例句5:I'm sorry, I don't know how to translate this word, it's unfamiliar to me. (对不起,我不知道该如何翻译这个单词,它对我来说很陌生。)

同义词及用法:不确定英文怎么翻译?可以用unsure how to translate the English或uncertain about the translation of English来表示。也可以使用not sure how to translate或not certain how to translate等表达方式。

总结:不确定英文怎么翻译?是指在翻译过程中遇到难以理解或翻译的英文内容,常用于翻译工作中。同义表达包括unsure how to translate、uncertain about the translation of English、not sure how to translate等。
