网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-31 11:15:47





1. 医生需要一名优秀的医学翻译人员来帮助他们与外国患者进行沟通。

Doctors need an excellent medical translator to help them communicate with foreign patients.

2. 这份药品说明书需要经过精确的医学翻译才能被外国患者理解。

This medication leaflet needs to be translated accurately by a medical translator for foreign patients to understand.

3. 该论文已经通过了严格的医学翻译和审校,可以发表在国际期刊上了。

The paper has been translated and proofread by professional medical translators and can now be published in an international journal.

4. 医学翻译需要具备医学知识和语言能力,这样才能准确地传达医学术语。

Medical translation requires both medical knowledge and language skills to accurately convey medical terminology.

5. 作为一名医学翻译人员,我经常需要不断更新自己的医学知识,以保证翻译的准确性。

As a medical translator, I often need to keep updating my medical knowledge to ensure the accuracy of my translations.


1. 医学翻译也可以被称为医疗翻译或医药翻译,它们都指同一种专业领域的翻译工作。

Medical translation can also be referred to as healthcare translation or pharmaceutical translation, all of which refer to the same specialized field of translation.

2. 医学术语是医学翻译中最常用的术语,它指特定的医学领域中使用的专业术语。

Medical terminology is the most commonly used term in medical translation, referring to specialized terms used in a specific medical field.

3. 医学文档是医学翻译人员需要处理的主要文本类型,包括科技论文、临床试验报告等。

Medical documents are the main text types that medical translators need to deal with, including scientific papers and clinical trial reports.

4. 跨文化沟通是医学翻译中需要注意的重要方面,医学翻译人员需要充分理解不同文化背景下的语言差异。

Cross-cultural communication is an important aspect to consider in medical translation, as medical translators need to have a full understanding of language differences in different cultural contexts.

5. 术语库是医学翻译人员常用的工具,它包含医学术语的翻译和定义,可以帮助提高翻译效率和准确性。

Terminology database is a commonly used tool for medical translators, which contains translations and definitions of medical terms and can help improve translation efficiency and accuracy.
