网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-31 10:04:42




“买东西的英文怎么说?”可以作为一个简单的句子,也可以作为一个疑问句。在日常交流中,可以直接询问 “How do you say ‘buy something’ in English?” 或者 “What is the English word for ‘buying things’?” 也可以使用更正式一些的表达方式, “Could you please tell me how to express ‘buying items’ in English?”


1. 我想去商店买些礼物,你能告诉我如何用英语表达吗?

I want to go to the store to buy some gifts. Can you tell me how to say it in English?

2. 我们需要一些食材来做晚餐,你能帮忙去超市买些吗?

We need some ingredients for dinner, can you help us buy them at the supermarket?

3. 我在网上看到了一件很漂亮的衣服,我想知道它的价格。

I saw a beautiful dress online and I want to know its price.

4. 我们应该先去商场逛逛再决定买什么。

We should go window shopping first before deciding what to buy.

5. 我们的旅行结束了,我需要去机场买些纪念品。

Our trip is coming to an end, I need to go to the airport to buy some souvenirs.


1. Purchase:指购买商品或服务,可以用作名词或动词。:I made a purchase at the store.(我在商店购买了东西。)She purchased a new car last week.(她上周买了一辆新车。)

2. Shop:指在商店或市场购物,可以用作名词或动词。:I went shopping for clothes yesterday.(我昨天去买衣服了。)We need to shop for groceries this weekend.(这个周末我们需要去超市买些杂货。)

3. Buy:指以货币交换获得所有权,可以用作动词或名词。:I bought a new phone yesterday.(我昨天买了一部新手机。)His latest buy is a luxury car.(他最新的购买是一辆豪华车。)

4. Purchase goods:指购买商品,通常用于正式场合。:The company has purchased goods from overseas suppliers for years.(这家公司多年来一直从海外供应商那里购买商品。)

5. Procure:指通过努力获得某物,也可指采购大量商品或服务,通常用于正式场合。:We need to procure more resources for the project.(我们需要为这个项目采购更多资源。)The company has procured a large amount of raw materials for production.(这家公司已经为生产采购了大量原材料。)
