网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-30 15:09:56

How do you say "where are you from" in English?




1. A: Hi, I'm John. Where are you from?

B: I'm from China. Nice to meet you, John.

2. A: Excuse me, can I ask where you're from?

B: Sure, I'm from Brazil.

3. A: Where are you from originally?

B: I was born in Germany, but I grew up in Canada.

4. A: Do you know where our tour guide is from?

B: Yes, she's from Australia.

5. A: It's hard to tell where he's from just by looking at him.

B: Yeah, his accent is a mix of British and American English.


1. What is your nationality? (你是哪国人?)

2. Where were you born? (你出生在哪里?)

3. Which country do you come from? (你来自哪个?)

4. What is your place of origin? (你的原籍是哪里?)

5. Where do you call home? (你把哪里当作家乡?)

