网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-29 08:48:56





1. The traffic signal turned red, so we had to s our car. (交通信号灯变红了,所以我们不得不停下车。)

2. The satellite received a strong signal from outer space. (卫星接收到了来自外层空间的强力信号。)

3. The lifeguard used hand signals to communicate with the swimmers in the water. (救生员用手势和在水中游泳的人沟通。)

4. The sound of the alarm is a signal for us to evacuate the building immediately. (报声是让我们立即撤离建筑物的信号。)

5. The teacher gave us a signal to start the presentation. (老师给了我们一个开始演讲的信号。)


1. Sign (名词) - 指示物,标志

例句:The sign on the door said "Do not enter". (门上的标志写着“入内”。)

2. Cue (名词) - 暗示,提示

例句:The actor missed his cue and came on stage too early. (演员错过了提示,提前上台了。)

3. Indication (名词) - 迹象,指示

例句:There are indications that the economy is improving. (有迹象表明经济正在改善。)

4. Gesture (名词) - 手势,姿势

例句:She made a gesture to indicate that she was not interested in the offer. (她做了一个手势表示她对这个提议不感兴趣。)

5. Transmit (动词) - 传递,发送

例句:The radio station transmits signals to all parts of the country. (广播电台向全国各地发送信号。)

