网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-26 16:54:05

Name: The word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to.

Usage: This term is used to identify an individual or entity and is commonly used in social interactions and official documents.

Example Sentences:

1. What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)

2. My name is John. (我的名字是约翰。)

3. Please write your full name on the form. (请在表格上填写您的全名。)

4. The name of the company is XYZ Corporation. (公司的名称是XYZ公司。)

5. She changed her last name after getting married. (她结婚后改了姓氏。)

Synonyms: Title, appellation, designation, label.


Title: A descriptive or distinctive appellation given to a person or thing.

用法:Titles are often used as a form of address or to indicate rank or status.

Appellation: A name or title that describes the character, qualities, or origin of someone or something.

用法:Appellations are often used in literature and poetry to refer to individuals in a symbolic way.

Designation: An official title given to someone or something.

用法:Designations are commonly used in organizations and institutions to indicate roles and responsibilities.

Label: A word or phrase that describes the contents, nature, or purpose of something.

用法:Labels are commonly used on products and items for identification and categorization purposes.
