网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-26 16:48:19

意思:WML是Wireless Markup Language(无线标记语言)的缩写,是一种用于在移动设备上浏览网页的标记语言。


例句1:WML页面可以通过手机浏览器访问,提供了一种方便快捷的方式来获取网络信息。- WML pages can be accessed through mobile browsers, providing a convenient and fast way to access information on the internet.

例句2:由于其轻量级和高效性,WML被广泛应用于移动网页设计。- Due to its lightweight and efficiency, WML is widely used in designing mobile webpages.

例句3:使用WML语言可以为不同尺寸和分辨率的移动设备创建适配的网页。- WML language allows for the creation of adaptable webpages for different sizes and resolutions of mobile devices.

例句4:WML提供了一些特殊的标记来支持移动设备上的用户输入和交互操作。- WML offers special tags to support user input and interaction on mobile devices.

例句5:通过使用WML,用户可以在手机上方便地浏览新闻、邮件、天气预报等信息。- With the use of WML, users can easily browse news, emails, weather forecasts, and other information on their phones.

同义词及用法:WML也可以被称为Wireless HTML(无线超文本标记语言),它与HTML类似,但是专门针对移动设备设计。因此,有时候也会用WHTML来指代WML。- WML can also be referred to as Wireless HTML, which is similar to HTML but specifically designed for mobile devices. Therefore, WHTML is sometimes used to refer to WML.
