网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-15 16:12:04



1. 动词:表示主动的行为,即主动地避开或回避某件事情。:

- I always avoid eating spicy food because it upsets my stomach. (我总是避免吃辣的食物,因为它会让我的胃不舒服。)

- She tried to avoid her ex-boyfriend at the party. (她在派对上试图回避她的前男友。)

- The driver swerved to avoid hitting the pedestrian. (司机转向以避免撞到行人。)

2. 名词:表示被动的状态,即被迫或不得不避开或回避某件事情。:

- The doctor advised me to stay indoors to avoid catching a cold. (医生建议我待在家里以免感冒。)

- The company is trying to find ways to avoid bankruptcy. (公司正在努力寻找方法以免破产。)

- His avoidance of responsibility led to his failure in the project. (他对责任的回避导致了他在项目中的失败。)


1. She always avoids confrontation, preferring to solve problems through peaceful communication. (她总是避免,更喜欢通过和平沟通来解决问题。)

2. In order to avoid getting lost, it's important to have a map or GPS with you when traveling in a foreign country. (为了避免迷路,在国外旅行时带上地图或GPS是很重要的。)

3. The government is implementing measures to avoid a recession in the economy. (正在实施措施以避免经济衰退。)

4. The child's avoidance of eye contact and withdrawal from social situations raised concerns among his parents. (孩子回避眼神交流并在社交场合中退缩引起了父母的担忧。)

5. The company has a strict policy of avoiding any form of discrimination based on race, gender, or religion. (公司有严格的,任何基于种族、性别或的歧视行为。)


Avoid is a word that we often use in our daily lives, but do we truly understand its meaning? Let's dive into the world of "avoid" and explore its various uses and examples.

As a verb, "avoid" means to actively steer clear or evade something or someone. For instance, you may avoid eating spicy food because it upsets your stomach or try to avoid running into an ex at a party. It is an action that requires conscious effort and decision-making.

On the other hand, as a noun, "avoidance" refers to the state of being forced or compelled to stay away from something or someone. For example, you may be advised by a doctor to avoid going out in the cold to prevent catching a cold or a company may be trying to find ways to avoid bankruptcy. In these cases, avoidance is not a choice but a necessity.

Let's take a look at some examples to better understand the usage of "avoid":

1. She always avoids confrontation, preferring to solve problems through peaceful communication. This sentence shows how the word "avoid" can be used as an action verb, where the subject actively chooses to avoid confrontation and opts for a more peaceful approach.

2. In order to avoid getting lost, it's important to have a map or GPS with you when traveling in a foreign country. This sentence highlights the importance of avoiding getting lost by taking necessary precautions such as having a map or GPS.

3. The government is implementing measures to avoid a recession in the economy. Here, we can see how "avoid" is used as an action verb, where the subject takes steps to prevent something from happening.

4. The child's avoidance of eye contact and withdrawal from social situations raised concerns among his parents. In this example, we see how "avoidance" is used as a noun, indicating the child's involuntary behavior of avoiding eye contact and withdrawing from social situations.

5. The company has a strict policy of avoiding any form of discrimination based on race, gender, or religion. This sentence showcases how "avoiding" is used as an adjective to describe the company's policy of actively steering clear of any form of discrimination.

In conclusion, "avoid" is not just another word in our vocabulary but carries significant meaning and impact in our daily lives. Whether it's avoiding conflicts or avoiding financial troubles, this word plays an essential role in helping us navigate through life's challenges and obstacles. So next time you use this word, remember its various uses and embrace its power in making our lives better.
