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be used to的翻译和用法

2024-07-15 16:12:02

be used to是一个常用的英语短语,它有多种含义和用法。下面将为大家详细介绍be used to的翻译和用法。

1. 翻译

be used to的字面意思是“被用来”,但在实际使用中,它的意思更接近“习惯于”。因此,be used to可以被翻译为“习惯于”、“适应于”、“习惯做某事”等。

2. 用法释义

a. 表示习惯

当我们说某人或某物“be used to something”时,意思是他们已经习惯了这件事情,不再感到陌生或不舒服。:

- I am used to the cold weather here.(我已经习惯了这里的寒冷天气。)

- She is not used to working long hours.(她不习惯长时间工作。)

b. 表示适应

当我们说某人或某物“be used to doing something”时,意思是他们已经适应了做这件事情,不再感到困难或不舒服。:

- He is used to driving on the left side of the road.(他已经适应了在左侧驾驶。)

- The children are not used to eating spicy food.(孩子们还没有适应吃辣食物。)

c. 表示过去的习惯

当我们说某人“used to do something”时,意思是他们过去常常做这件事情,但现在不再做了。:

- I used to play the piano when I was young.(我年轻的时候经常弹钢琴。)

- She used to live in New York before she moved here.(她搬来这里之前住在纽约。)

3. 例句参考

1) I am used to waking up early in the morning.


2) He is not used to speaking in public, so he was nervous during the presentation.


3) My grandmother used to knit sweaters for us when we were kids.


4) They are still getting used to their new school and making new friends.


5) She used to live in the countryside, but now she lives in the city.


be used to是一个非常常用的短语,在日常生活中经常会用到。它可以表示习惯、适应和过去的习惯,具体含义取决于它所连接的动词。希望本文对大家有所帮助,能够更好地理解和运用be used to这个短语。
