网校一点通 学习方法


2024-07-10 08:38:41

礼物的英文是 "gift",意思是给予的东西或者物品,通常表示友谊、爱情、感激或者庆祝等。




1. I received a beautiful gift from my best friend on my birthday.(我在生日那天收到了我最好的朋友送给我的漂亮礼物。)

2. The company gave out gifts to all its employees to celebrate the New Year.(公司发放了礼物给所有员工来庆祝新年。)

3. She gave me a book as a gift for helping her with her project.(她送给我一本书作为感谢我帮助她完成项目的礼物。)

4. The couple exchanged gifts on their wedding anniversary.(这对夫妇在结婚纪念日交换了礼物。)

5. He always brings small gifts whenever he visits us, just to show his appreciation for our friendship.(每次他来看我们都会带些小礼物,只是想表达对我们友谊的感激之情。)


1. Present:作为名词,表示礼物或者赠品,通常用于正式场合。

例句:I received a beautiful present from my boss for my outstanding performance.(我因为出色的表现收到了老板送给我的漂亮礼物。)

2. Offering:作为名词,表示赠品或者奉献物。

例句:The company has prepared some special offerings for its loyal customers.(公司为忠实的客户准备了一些特别的赠品。)

3. Token:作为名词,表示象征性的礼物或者纪念品。

例句:She gave me a small token of her appreciation for my help.(她给了我一个小小的纪念品来表达她对我的帮助的感激。)

4. Souvenir:作为名词,表示纪念品或者旅游纪念品。

例句:He bought a souvenir for his girlfriend during their trip in Paris.(他在巴黎旅行时给女友买了一个纪念品。)

5. Donation:作为名词,表示捐赠物或者捐款。

例句:The organization is asking for donations to support the children in need.(该组织正在请求捐款来帮助有需要的儿童。)
