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all win是什么意思?

2024-07-01 16:05:12

all win是一个英语短语,意思是“全部赢得”或“全胜”。它可以用来形容一个人、团队或者情况在某个领域或者比赛中取得了完美的胜利,没有任何失败或者挫折。


使用这个短语的时候,通常会加上动词“to”,构成短语“all win to”,表示所有的一切都能够顺利实现。:“We are confident that we can all win to the end.”(我们有信心能够一直赢到最后。)


1. With their hard work and determination, the team achieved an all win record this season. (凭借他们的努力和决心,这支球队本赛季取得了全胜战绩。)

2. She has a positive attitude and believes that with hard work, she can achieve an all win in her career. (她有积极的态度,并相信通过努力工作,她可以在事业上取得全胜。)

3. The company's CEO has a strong belief in the power of teamwork and always encourages his employees to strive for an all win. (公司的CEO对团队合作的力量有着坚定的信念,他总是鼓励员工为了全胜而努力。)

4. Despite facing many challenges, the team remained united and achieved an all win in the end. (尽管面临许多挑战,这支球队仍然保持团结,最终取得了全胜。)

5. The coach's motivational speech before the game inspired the players to go all out and aim for an all win. (比赛前教练的激励演讲激发了球员们全力以赴,争取全胜。)
