2024-06-30 16:05:54advantage是指某人或某物相对于其他人或物所具有的有利条件、优势或益处。它可以用来描述一种积极的状态或特性,也可以指某个人或团体在某一方面比其他人更加出色。
作为名词时,advantage可以表示优势、益处、好处等。:“Having a good education is a great advantage in today's job market.”(拥有良好的教育在当今的就业市场上是一个巨大的优势。)
作为动词时,advantage可以表示利用、占据上风等。:“She took advantage of the opportunity to travel abroad.”(她利用机会去国外旅行了。)
作为形容词时,advantage可以表示有利的、有益的等。:“The company has an advantageous location for shipping goods.”(这家公司拥有一个便于运输货物的有利位置。)
1. The new technology gave the company a competitive advantage in the market.(这项新技术让公司在市场上具备了竞争优势。)
2. She used her language skills to her advantage and landed a job at an international company.(她利用自己的语言技能,成功地在一家国际公司找到了工作。)
3. It's important to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.(抓住每一个机会都很重要。)
4. The team's speed and agility were their main advantages over their opponents.(这支队伍的速度和灵活性是他们击败对手的主要优势。)
5. The new tax policy will be advantageous for small businesses.(新的税收将对小企业有利。)