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all at once是什么意思?

2024-06-30 15:53:48

all at once是一个常用的短语,它可以表示多种含义,具体的意思取决于上下文。一般来说,它可以用作副词短语或介词短语,用来描述某件事情发生的方式或时间。下面将介绍all at once的不同含义及其使用方式。

1. 同时地,一起地


- They all arrived at the party all at once. (他们都同时到达了聚会。)

- The lights in the room turned off all at once. (房间里的灯突然全灭了。)

2. 突然地,立刻地

在这种情况下,all at once强调某件事情突然发生或立刻发生。比如:

- All at once, the sky turned dark and it started raining heavily. (天空突然变暗了,并开始下起大雨。)

- She realized all at once that she had forgotten her keys. (她突然意识到自己忘记带钥匙了。)

3. 总而言之,在总体上

在这种情况下,all at once指代总体上的情况或总结性的表达。比如:

- The project was a success, but there were some challenges all at once. (这个项目取得了成功,但也面临着一些挑战。)

- The book covers all at once the history, culture and traditions of the country. (这本书总结了这个的历史、文化和传统。)

4. 一次性地,全部地

在这种情况下,all at once指代一次性完成某件事情或全部做完某件事情。比如:

- She ate all her food all at once. (她一口气吃完了所有的食物。)

- I can't do it all at once, I need more time. (我无法一次性完成,我需要更多时间。)

5. 全部地,完全地

在这种情况下,all at once强调某件事情的完整性或全部性。比如:

- The flowers bloomed all at once, creating a beautiful sight. (花朵全部开放了,形成了美丽的景象。)

- She was feeling happy and sad all at once. (她同时感到快乐和悲伤。)

总的来说,all at once是一个很灵活的短语,在不同的语境中可以表示不同的含义。因此,在使用时要根据具体情况来理解它的意思。


1. All at once, the children started crying and screaming.

2. He received a promotion, a raise and a new office all at once.

3. The movie was funny, sad and thought-provoking all at once.

4. She realized all at once that she had made a big mistake.

5. The music suddenly sped all at once, leaving the room in silence.
