网校一点通 学习方法


2024-06-29 15:26:06




(1) The lawyer appealed the decision in the higher court.(律师在高等上诉该决定。)

(2) The charity organization appeals for donations to help the poor.(慈善组织呼吁捐款来帮助穷人。)

(3) The government's appeal for calm was met with resistance from the protestors.(呼吁保持冷静遭到者的。)

(4) The company's new product appeals to a younger demographic.(公司的新产品吸引了年轻人群体。)

(5) The defendant's appeal was denied by the court.(被告的上诉被驳回。)

4.appeals的其他形式:appeal (n. 吸引力;呼吁;上诉), appealing (adj. 吸引人的), appealed (过去式和过去分词).





(1) The lawyer appealed the decision in the higher court.(律师在高等上诉该决定。)

(2) The charity organization appeals for donations to help the poor.(慈善组织呼吁捐款来帮助穷人。)

(3) The government's appeal for calm was met with resistance from the protestors.(呼吁保持冷静遭到者的。)

(4) The company's new product appeals to a younger demographic.(公司的新产品吸引了年轻人群体。)

(5) The defendant's appeal was denied by the court.(被告的上诉被驳回。)

1.appeals is a verb that means to make a request or plea to someone or something, seeking help or support.

2.Usage of appeals: Appeals can be used as a transitive verb or an intransitive verb. As a transitive verb, it is usually used for legal actions such as accepting a lawsuit, decision, or judgment; as an intransitive verb, it usually refers to making a call to the general public, the public, or a specific group.

3.Example sentences:

(1) The lawyer appealed the decision in the higher court.

(2) The charity organization appeals for donations to help the poor.

(3) The government's appeal for calm was met with resistance from the protestors.

(4) The company's new product appeals to a younger demographic.

(5) The defendant's appeal was denied by the court.

4.Other forms of appeals: appeal (n. attractiveness; plea; appeal), appealing (adj. attractive), appealed (past tense and past participle).

5.Chinese translation:









其他形式:appeal (n. 吸引力;呼吁;上诉), appealing (adj. 吸引人的), appealed (过去式和过去分词).
