网校一点通 学习方法


2024-06-29 10:52:20




1. 当alone作形容词时,通常用来描述一个人或物体处于孤单、独立的状态。:“She is always alone in her room.”(她总是一个人呆在房间里。)

2. alone也可以作为副词,修饰动词或形容词,表示“单独地,独自地”。:“He prefers to work alone.”(他更喜欢一个人工作。)

3. alone还可以作为介词使用,表示“除了…之外”。:“I have no choice but to go there alone.”(我别无选择只能一个人去那里。)


1. I feel so alone without my friends here.(没有朋友在身边我感觉很孤单。)

2. She is brave enough to travel alone.(她足够勇敢一个人旅行。)

3. The child was left alone at home for the first time.(这个孩子第一次被留在家里一个人。)

4. I can't do it alone, I need your help.(我不能一个人做这件事,我需要你的帮助。)

5. Alone with his thoughts, he felt a sense of peace and calmness.(独自一人思考时,他感到一种平静和宁静。)


1. Alone in the dark, she couldn't help but feel scared.

2. He was left alone in the wilderness with only a backpack and a map.

3. I prefer to dine alone, it gives me time to think.

4. She is not afraid to speak her mind and stand alone in her beliefs.

5. The old man lived alone in a small cottage by the sea.



让我们来看几个例句吧!“她总是一个人呆在房间里(She is always alone in her room)”,这句话中的alone就是形容词,描述了她经常一个人呆在房间里的状态。再来看一句:“他更喜欢一个人工作(He prefers to work alone)”,这里alone就是副词,修饰动词work,表示他更喜欢独自工作。

除了以上两种用法外,alone还可以作为介词使用。:“我别无选择只能一个人去那里(I have no choice but to go there alone)”,这里的alone表示除了去那里之外,别无选择。

让我们来看一些随机的例句吧!“没有朋友在身边我感觉很孤单(I feel so alone without my friends here)”,这句话中的alone描述了一个人没有朋友陪伴的状态。再来一句:“她足够勇敢一个人旅行(She is brave enough to travel alone)”,这里的alone表示她独自旅行的勇气。

有时候,一个人独处也会带来平静和宁静的感觉。“独自一人思考时,他感到一种平静和宁静(Alone with his thoughts, he felt a sense of peace and calmness)”,这句话中的alone修饰动词felt,表示他独自思考时所感受到的平静和宁静。

让我们再来看几个随机的例句吧!“Alone in the dark, she couldn't help but feel scared.”(在黑暗中独自一人,她不禁感到害怕。)“He was left alone in the wilderness with only a backpack and a map.”(他被留在荒野中,只有一个背包和一张地图。)“我不能一个人做这件事,我需要你的帮助(I can't do it alone, I need your help)。”这些例句中的alone都描述了一个人独自面对困难或挑战时的状态。

