网校一点通 学习方法


2024-06-29 09:02:59



作为动词,cheers意为“欢呼”、“喝彩”,常用于体育比赛或其他庆祝活动中。,“The crowd cheered as the winning goal was scored.”(当获胜进球被打进时,人群欢呼雀跃。)

作为名词,cheers指的是“欢呼声”、“喝彩声”。,“The cheers of the audience filled the stadium.”(观众的欢呼声充满了体育场。)此外,cheers也可以指酒吧中的干杯。“Let's raise our glasses and give a cheer for the newlyweds!”(让我们举起杯子为新婚夫妇干杯!)

作为感叹词,cheers可以表示祝福、道别或感谢等情绪。,“Cheers to a happy and prosperous new year!”(祝愿新年快乐、兴旺!)“Cheers, mate! See you next time!”(再见啦,伙计!下次见!)“Thanks for your help. Cheers!”(谢谢你的帮助。谢谢!)


1. The team's victory was met with cheers from the crowd.


2. The players raised their arms in triumph as the cheers grew louder.


3. The cheers of the fans echoed throughout the stadium.


4. Let's give a cheer for our amazing team!


5. Cheers to a successful event!



Cheerio, old chap! What do you say to a round of cheers for our victorious team? The crowd erupted into a deafening roar as the winning goal was scored. The stadium was filled with cheers and applause, a true celebration of sportsmanship.

The sound of glasses clinking and cheerful voices filled the air at the pub. Cheers to our newlyweds! May your marriage be filled with love and happiness. As they raised their glasses, everyone gave a cheer for the happy couple.

As the sun sets on another day, I bid you all farewell with a hearty "cheers!" Thank you for your company and let's raise our glasses to good times ahead.


1. The pub was buzzing with cheerful chatter and clinking glasses.


2. Cheers to our fantastic team who never gave up!


3. The cheers of the crowd echoed through the streets as the parade passed by.


4. With a cheer and a wave, they bid farewell to their friends.


5. Cheers to new beginnings and endless possibilities!

