网校一点通 学习方法


2024-06-28 17:13:24



1. 在英式英语中,billion表示十亿,而在美式英语中,它表示一万亿。因此,在国际交流中要注意区分使用。

2. 在金融领域,billion通常用来表示货币单位的数量。,“The company's net worth reached 2 billion dollars last year.”(该公司去年的净资产达到20亿美元。)

3. 除了作为数词使用外,billion也可以作为形容词或名词使用。,“The billionaire businessman donated a billion dollars to charity.”(这位亿万富翁商人向慈善捐赠了10亿美元。)

4. 在科学计量领域,billion也被用来表示一种测量单位,即10的15次方。

5. 在日常生活中,我们也经常听到类似于“a billion and one”的表达方式,意思是非常多或无穷无尽。


1. The population of China has exceeded 1.4 billion.


2. The company's annual revenue is expected to reach 10 billion dollars.


3. The billionaire investor made a significant contribution to the development of renewable energy.


4. The scientist discovered a new species of insect that has been extinct for over a billion years.


5. My friend has a billion excuses for being late, but I don't believe any of them.

