网校一点通 学习方法


2024-06-25 20:34:02


1. astray是什么意思?

astray一词源于古英语,由a-(表示“离开”)和stray(表示“走散”)两部分组成。它最基本的含义是“迷路的,误入歧途的”,指人或物偏离了原本正确的方向或目标。:“The lost hikers were led astray by the wrong map.”(迷失的徒步者被错误的地图引入歧途。)

2. 如何正确使用astray?

a. 作为副词时,astray通常放在动词后面,表示动作偏离了原本正确的方向或目标。:“He went astray and got lost in the forest.”(他走错了方向,在森林里迷路了。)

b. 作为形容词时,astray通常放在名词前面,用来修饰人或物偏离了原本正确的方向或目标。:“The stray dog was taken in by a kind family.”(那只走失的狗被一家善良的人收留了。)

c. 作为动词时,astray通常与介词from连用,表示“使迷路,使误入歧途”。:“The wrong signpost led us astray from the main road.”(错误的路标让我们偏离了主路。)

3. astray的读音读法


4. astray的用例

1) The children strayed astray from their parents in the crowded market.(孩子们在拥挤的市场里走散了父母。)

2) The cat's curiosity led it astray into the neighbor's garden.(猫咪好奇心让它偏离了邻居的花园。)

3) The politician's actions have gone completely astray from his promises.(这位家的行动已经完全偏离了他的承诺。)

4) The ship was blown off course and went astray in the storm.(船只被暴风雨吹偏航,迷失了方向。)

5) The lost child was found safe and sound after being missing for two days astray in the woods.(走失两天后,在树林里迷路的小孩被安全找到了。)

5. astray的组词

1) lead astray:引入歧途,误导

2) go astray:偏离正道,误入歧途

3) stray dog:流浪狗

4) astray from:偏离,远离

5) astray in the woods:在树林里迷路

6. astray的中英文对照



