网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-30 09:17:35



1. 作为化学元素使用:Barium is a chemical element.

2. 用于制造合金:Barium is used in the production of alloys.

3. 作为电池的原料:Barium is used as a raw material for batteries.

4. 作为润滑剂:Barium is used as a lubricant.

5. 作为X射线检查的对比剂:Barium is used as a contrast agent for X-ray examinations.


1. Barium has many industrial applications due to its unique properties.


2. The scientists conducted experiments to study the reaction between barium and oxygen.


3. The alloy contains a high percentage of barium, which gives it its strength and durability.


4. Barium sulfate is commonly used as a contrast agent in medical imaging procedures.


5. The lubricant contains barium compounds that reduce friction and wear on the machinery.



1. Ba:符号为barium的化学元素。

2. Atomic number 56:指barium在元素周期表中的原子序数。

3. Metal:barium是一种金属元素。

4. Contrast agent:barium在医学中常用作对比剂。

5. Alloys:barium可以用于制造各种合金。
