网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-30 09:04:14



例句1:The annual reviews of the company's performance are always highly anticipated by investors. (公司业绩的年度回顾总是备受投资者关注。)

例句2:The annual reviews of the latest scientific research in this field have just been published in the journal. (这一领域最新科研成果的年度综述刚刚在期刊上发表。)

例句3:I always look forward to reading the annual reviews of my favorite book series. (我总是期待着阅读我最喜爱书系列的年度评论。)

例句4:The annual reviews provide a comprehensive overview of the industry's development over the past year. (这些年度回顾提供了过去一年行业发展的全面概述。)

例句5:The company has decided to discontinue its annual reviews and instead focus on quarterly reports. (公司决定停止发布年度回顾,转而专注于季度报告。)

同义词及用法:annualreviews的同义词包括annual reports、yearly reviews、annual summaries等,它们都表示每年的评论或回顾。可以根据具体语境选择使用哪种表达方式。
