网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-28 13:17:15

baoy (读作 /bj/) 是一个英文单词,也可以作为名字使用。它的意思是“宝贝”、“宝物”或者“珍贵的人或物”。在英语中,它通常用来表示对某人或某物的喜爱、珍视和重视。



- My baoy is the most precious thing in my life. (我的宝贝是我生命中最珍贵的东西。)

- Look at that little baoy over there, how cute he is! (看那边那个小宝贝,他多可爱啊!)


1. She treats her daughter like a baoy, always showering her with love and attention. (她把女儿当成宝贝一样对待,总是给予她爱和关注。)

2. This necklace was given to me by my grandmother, it's my most treasured baoy. (这条项链是我祖母送给我的,是我最珍爱的宝物。)

3. The little puppy was so adorable that everyone wanted to hold and cuddle him like a baoy. (小狗狗太可爱了,每个人都想抱着他像抱宝贝一样。)

4. The baoy of the family, little Lily, was the center of attention at the gathering. (家里的宝贝,小莉莉,在聚会上成为了众人的焦点。)

5. He always carries a small photo of his baoy with him, to remind him of his loved one when he's away from home. (他总是随身携带着一个小宝贝的照片,让他在离家时能想起自己的爱人。)


1. Treasure: 指珍贵的人或物,也可以用来表示对某人或某物的珍视和重视。

2. Darling: 作为名词时,指亲爱的人;作为形容词时,可以表示可爱的、迷人的。

3. Precious: 指非常珍贵和重要的。

4. Gem: 指宝石,也可以用来比喻某人或某物十分珍贵。

5. Beloved: 指深受爱戴和喜爱的人。
