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after all怎么翻译?

2024-05-28 12:41:05

意思:after all是一个短语,表示“毕竟”、“终究”、“最终”等意思。

用法:after all通常用来强调一个事实或者观点,表明这个事实或者观点是不容忽视的,也可以用来表示“毕竟如此”、“终究如此”的含义。

例句1:After all, he is your brother. (毕竟,他是你的兄弟。)

例句2:I thought I was going to fail the test, but after all, I got an A. (我本以为我会考砸了,但最终我得了A。)

例句3:After all, it's your decision. (毕竟,这是你的决定。)

例句4:I know it's a lot of work, but after all, it will be worth it. (我知道这是很多工作,但最终它会值得的。)

例句5:I thought I was going to be disappointed, but after all, it turned out to be a great movie. (我本以为我会失望,但最终它证明是一部很棒的电影。)


1. In the end


用法:与after all相似,都表示某件事情在一系列之后发生。

例句:In the end, everything worked out for the best. (最后,一切都变得最好。)

2. Ultimately


用法:与after all意思相同,都表示某件事情是在一系列之后发生的。

例句:Ultimately, it's up to you to make the decision. (最终,决定权在你手中。)

3. All things considered


用法:与after all类似,都表示对一系列事情进行综合考虑后得出的结论。

例句:All things considered, it was a successful event. (总的来说,这是一次成功的活动。)

4. When all is said and done


用法:与after all含义相近,都表示对某件事情进行总结或者得出结论。

例句:When all is said and done, we have to accept the outcome. (归根结底,我们必须接受结果。)

5. After everything that has happened


用法:与after all含义相似,都表示经历了一系列之后得出的结论。

例句:After everything that has happened, I realize how strong I am. (经历了那么多之后,我意识到自己有多坚强。)
