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candy man怎么翻译?

2024-05-26 17:38:27



例句1:The candy man is known for his delicious handmade chocolates. (这位糖果师傅以他手工制作的美味巧克力而闻名。)

例句2:My grandfather used to be a candy man and he taught me how to make candy. (我的祖父曾经是一位糖果师傅,他了我如何制作糖果。)

例句3:The candy man at the fair had a wide variety of sweets on display. (集市上的糖果师傅展示了各种各样的甜食。)

例句4:The children were delighted when the candy man gave them free samples of his latest creations. (当糖果师傅给孩子们免费品尝他最新的作品时,孩子们非常高兴。)

例句5:I always look forward to visiting the local candy man's shop and trying out his new flavors. (我总是期待着去当地糖果师傅的店里尝试他的新口味。)


1. confectioner - 点心师/制造和售卖点心的人。

2. chocolatier - 巧克力制造商/专门从事巧克力制作和销售的人。

3. sweet maker - 糖果制造商/专门从事糖果制作和销售的人。

4. candy seller - 糖果商/出售糖果的人。

5. candy artisan - 糖果工匠/精通制作糖果的手艺人。
