网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-25 16:40:46



1. 作为动词,burn的意思是“燃烧”、“烧毁”、“灼伤”等。作为名词,burn指的是“烧伤”、“灼伤”的状态。它也可以用来表示强烈的感情或情绪。

2. burn作为动词时,常与介词with连用,表示被火焰或高温灼伤。:“He burned his hand with the hot pan.”(他用热锅烫伤了手)此外,它还可以与介词down连用,表示将某物完全烧毁。:“The fire burned down the entire building.”(大火将整栋建筑物都烧毁了)

3. burn也可以作为不及物动词,表示自己处于着火或发光状态。:“The candles are burning brightly.”(蜡烛正在明亮地燃烧着)

4. 除了与介词连用外,burn还可以带有副词up或down,表示某物被完全消耗或消失。:“I burned up all my savings on that trip.”(我把所有的积蓄都花在了那次旅行上)“The sun is slowly burning down in the sky.”(太阳慢慢地在天空中消失)

5. burn也可以用来表示某物受到伤害或损失。:“The scandal burned his reputation.”(这件丑闻损害了他的声誉)“The stock market crash burned many investors.”(股市崩盘让很多投资者受损)


1. She accidentally burned herself while cooking dinner.


2. The forest fire burned for days before it was finally extinguished.


3. The candle is burning down quickly, we should blow it out soon.


4. The sunburn on my skin is really painful.


5. His words burned with anger and resentment.



1. blaze:指明亮、强烈地发出光和热,常用于形容大火。

例句:The fire blazed brightly, lighting up the whole room.

2. scorch:指被高温或火焰灼伤,但程度比burn轻。

例句:The hot iron scorched her shirt.

3. ignite:指物质被点燃或引起火灾。

例句:The sparks from the campfire ignited the dry leaves.

4. smolder:指火焰被住,但仍在慢慢燃烧。

例句:The fire in the fireplace was smoldering, giving off a warm glow.

5. inflame:指情绪或感情被激起,常用于形容愤怒、激动等强烈的情绪。

例句:His words only inflamed her anger even more.

