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beady eye是什么意思?如何读音?

2024-05-25 16:40:42

beady eye是一个常用的英语词组,意思是“小而明亮的眼睛”。它通常用来形容人或动物的眼睛,特别是那些闪烁着光芒或有强烈表情的眼睛。它也可以用来形容一种专注或惕的目光。beady eye的读音为 /bidi a/。


beady eye通常作为形容词使用,放在名词前面。它可以修饰人、动物、物体等,用来描述其眼睛的特征。除了上述提到的含义外,它也可以用来指代一种非常敏锐和觉的目光。


1. The cat stared at the mouse with its beady eyes, ready to pounce at any moment.(这只猫用它那闪闪发光的小眼睛盯着老鼠,随时准备扑过去。)

2. The old woman's beady eyes followed the children as they ran through the park.(老妇人那双小小的明亮眼睛紧紧地跟随孩子们在公园里奔跑。)

3. He gave me a beady-eyed look, making me feel like I was being scrutinized.(他给了我一种惕的眼神,让我感觉自己被仔细审视着。)

4. The detective's beady eye caught every small detail in the crime scene.(侦探的敏锐目光捕捉到了犯罪现场的每一个细节。)

5. The bird had a beady eye, which made it easy for it to spot its prey from far away.(这只鸟有一双小小的明亮眼睛,让它可以轻易地从远处猎物。)


1. Beadlike eye:意思也是“小而明亮的眼睛”,但更强调眼睛像珠子一样圆润、闪闪发光。

例句:The little girl's beadlike eyes were filled with excitement as she looked at the Christmas tree.

2. Glittering eye:意思是“闪闪发光的眼睛”,通常用来形容眼睛像宝石一样闪耀。

例句:His glittering eyes showed his love and admiration for her.

3. Sharp-eyed:意思是“敏锐的目光”,指人或动物具有敏锐的视力和观察力。

例句:The sharp-eyed hawk spotted its prey from high up in the sky.

4. Alert gaze:意思是“惕的凝视”,指人或动物专注地盯着某物或某人,准备做出反应。

例句:The guard's alert gaze scanned the crowd for any suspicious activity.

5. Intense stare:意思是“强烈的凝视”,指人或动物用力地盯着某物或某人,表达出强烈的情感或兴趣。

例句:The teacher's intense stare made the students feel nervous during the exam.
