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brain age是什么意思?如何翻译brain age?

2024-05-25 16:33:11

一:brain age是什么意思?如何翻译brain age?

Brain age是指一个人的大脑功能和认知能力的年龄,与其实际年龄可能存在差异。它可以通过一系列的认知测试来评估,比如记忆力、注意力、反应速度等方面。通常情况下,如果一个人的大脑功能和认知能力与其实际年龄相符,那么他的brain age就是正常的。

翻译brain age可以使用“大脑年龄”、“智力年龄”、“认知年龄”等表达方式。


Brain age通常用来描述一个人的智力水平和认知能力是否与其实际年龄相符。它可以作为一种评估工具,在医学、心理学等领域被广泛使用。同时,也可以作为一种娱乐性质的游戏或测试,让人们了解自己的大脑健康状况。


1. My brain age is 10 years younger than my actual age, which means I have a sharp mind and good cognitive abilities.


2. The doctor used a series of cognitive tests to determine the patient's brain age and found that it was 5 years older than their actual age.


3. Playing brain training games can help improve your brain age and keep your mind sharp.


4. According to research, regular exercise and a healthy diet can slow down the aging process of the brain and maintain a younger brain age.


5. The brain age test showed that my cognitive abilities were below average for my age, so I decided to start doing puzzles and reading more to improve it.



1. Mental age:指一个人的智力发展水平与其实际年龄相对应的程度。

例句:His mental age is much higher than his peers, which explains why he excels in school.

2. Cognitive age:与brain age类似,指一个人的认知能力和智力水平的年龄。

例句:The cognitive age of the elderly can be improved through regular brain exercises.

3. Intelligence age:指一个人的智力水平相当于其实际年龄的程度。

例句:Her intelligence age is much higher than her actual age, which is why she was able to skip a grade in school.

4. Mental development age:指一个人的智力发展程度与其实际年龄相对应的水平。

例句:The child's mental development age is advanced for his age, which makes him stand out among his peers.

5. Brain fitness:指大脑健康和功能状态的综合表现。

例句:Regular exercise and a balanced diet are essential for maintaining brain fitness and reducing brain age.
