网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-25 16:14:33


brown [bran] adj. 棕色的;褐色的;褐色肤色的


1. 作为形容词,brown可以用来描述颜色,特别是指深棕色或褐色。

2. 作为名词,brown可以指代一种颜色,也可以指代棕榈树。

3. 在英式英语中,brown也可以用作动词,意为“使变成棕色”。


1. The walls of the room were painted in a warm shade of brown.(房间的墙壁涂着一种温暖的棕色。)

2. She had long, wavy brown hair that reached her waist.(她有一头长长的、波浪般的棕发,抵达了她的腰部。)

3. The sand on the beach was a light shade of brown, almost golden in the sunlight.(沙滩上的沙子呈浅棕色,在阳光下几乎呈金黄色。)

4. He ordered a tall glass of ice-cold root beer with two scoops of vanilla ice cream, ped with whipped cream and a cherry on , also known as a "Brown Cow".(他点了一杯冰凉的根啤酒,里面放了两勺香草冰淇淋,并加上了打发奶油和一个樱桃,这种饮料也被称为“棕色牛”。)

5. The leaves on the trees began to turn brown as autumn approached.(随着秋天的临近,树上的叶子开始变成棕色。)


1. chestnut [testnt] adj. 栗色的;栗毛的;栗色肤色的

例:Her hair was a rich chestnut color, almost like a shiny copper penny.(她的头发是一种浓郁的栗色,几乎像一枚闪亮的铜币。)

2. brunette [brunet] adj. 深褐色的;深褐色头发的

例:She had beautiful, long brunette hair that she kept in a ponytail most of the time.(她有一头美丽、长长的深褐色头发,大部分时间都系着马尾辫。)

3. mahogany [mhni] adj. 红褐色的;桃花心木制成的

例:The desk was made of solid mahogany wood, with intricate carvings on the edges.(这张桌子是用实心桃花心木制成的,边缘上还有精细雕刻。)
