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birthday cake怎么翻译?

2024-05-25 16:01:56

一:birthday cake怎么翻译?

意思:birthday cake是指在生日庆祝活动中用来庆祝生日的蛋糕。它通常是一种特别装饰的蛋糕,上面会有生日祝福语或者蜡烛等等。


birthday cake通常作为一个整体使用,表示“生日蛋糕”。它可以作为主语、宾语或者定语出现在句子中。


1. It's my birthday today, let's cut the birthday cake and make a wish!(今天是我的生日,让我们切生日蛋糕并许个愿吧!)

2. She baked a beautiful birthday cake for her son's 10th birthday.(她为儿子十岁生日做了一个漂亮的生日蛋糕。)

3. The birthday girl blew out the candles on her birthday cake and made a wish.(寿星吹灭了生日蛋糕上的蜡烛并许了个愿。)

4. He ordered a customized birthday cake with his girlfriend's name on it for her surprise party.(他定制了一个带女友名字的生日蛋糕给她的惊喜派对。)

5. My mom always makes the best birthday cakes, I can't wait to taste it!(我妈妈总是做最好吃的生日蛋糕,我迫不及待想尝一口!)


1. birthday pie:生日派

2. celebration cake:庆祝蛋糕

3. special occasion cake:特殊场合蛋糕

4. party cake:派对蛋糕

5. anniversary cake:周年纪念蛋糕

