网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-25 15:47:46




1. My parents always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and choose a successful career. (我的父母总是鼓励我追求梦想,选择一条成功的事业道路。)

2. The fashion industry has been on a steady upward career in recent years. (近年来,时尚产业一直保持稳定的上升趋势。)

3. The car careers down the highway at breakneck speed. (汽车以惊人的速度在高速公路上疾驰。)

4. She is determined to make a career out of her passion for cooking. (她决心将自己对烹饪的热爱变成一项事业。)

5. After his injury, he had to give up his football career and find a new path in life. (在受伤后,他不得不放弃足球生涯,在生活中寻找新的道路。)


1. She has had a successful vocation as a lawyer for over 10 years. (她作为一名律师已经有超过10年的成功职业生涯。)

2. Teaching is a noble profession that requires patience and dedication. (教学是一项需要耐心和奉献的高尚职业。)

3. My occupation as a doctor allows me to help people and make a positive impact on their lives. (我作为一名医生的职业让我能够帮助人们,对他们的生活产生积极的影响。)
