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brand new world是什么意思?

2024-05-24 22:19:22



例句1:With the rapid development of technology, we are entering a brand new world. (随着技术的快速发展,我们正在进入一个全新的世界。)

例句2:The young generation is eager to explore the brand new world and create their own future. (年轻一代渴望探索全新的世界,创造属于自己的未来。)

例句3:The discovery of a new planet has opened up a brand new world for scientists to study. (一颗新行星为科学家们开辟了一个全新的世界来研究。)

例句4:The invention of the Internet has brought us into a brand new world of information and communication. (互联网的发明将我们带入了一个信息和交流的全新世界。)

例句5:After years of hard work, she finally achieved her dream and stepped into a brand new world of success. (经过多年的努力,她终于实现了自己的梦想,踏入了成功的全新世界。)


1. New era: 新时代;指某个特定时期的开始,常用于描述社会、、经济等方面的变革。

例句:The new era of globalization has brought both opportunities and challenges to developing countries. (全球化的新时代给发展中带来了机遇和挑战。)

2. Brave new world: 勇敢的新世界;源自英国作家奥威尔的同名小说,用来形容一个充满未知和变革的新世界。

例句:The rapid development of technology has led us into a brave new world, where everything is changing at an incredible speed. (技术的快速发展将我们带入了一个勇敢的新世界,一切都在以惊人的速度变化。)

3. New beginning: 新起点;指某件事情或某个阶段的开始。

例句:The company's restructuring marks a new beginning for its future development. (公司的重组标志着它未来发展的新起点。)

4. Fresh start: 新起点;与new beginning意思相近,强调重新开始、改变现状。

例句:After the failure of his first business, he decided to make a fresh start and started a new venture. (在第一次创业失败后,他决定重新开始,开启了一项新业务。)

5. Uncharted territory: 未知领域;指尚未被探索或了解过的领域。

例句:The development of artificial intelligence has taken us into uncharted territory, where we are still trying to figure out its potential impact on our society. (人工智能的发展将我们带入了未知领域,我们仍在努力弄清它对社会的潜在影响。)
