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continued story怎么翻译?

2024-05-24 16:02:36

一:continued story的意思

continued story是一个英文短语,由两个单词组成。其中,continued是动词continue的过去分词形式,意为“继续”;而story则是名词,意为“故事”。因此,continued story的字面意思为“继续的故事”。


continued story通常用作一个名词短语,指代一篇小说或电影中延续的情节或故事线。它也可以用作形容词短语,表示故事或情节具有连续性和延续性。


1. The continued story of Harry Potter has captured the hearts of millions of readers around the world. (《哈利波特》的延续故事已经俘获了全球数百万读者的心。)

2. The soap opera has been airing for over 20 years, with its continued story keeping viewers hooked. (这部肥皂剧已经播出了20多年,其连续的故事情节让观众着迷。)

3. The sequel to the popular movie will pick up where the first film left off, continuing the story of the main character's journey. (这部备受欢迎电影的续集将从第一部结束的地方开始,延续主角的旅程故事。)

4. The author plans to write a trilogy, with each book being a continued story of the previous one. (作者计划写一部三部曲,每本书都是前一本的延续故事。)

5. The TV series has a complex plot, with many characters and continued stories that intertwine. (这部电视剧有复杂的情节,许多角色和交织在一起的连续故事。)


1. ongoing story:意为“持续的故事”,与continued story含义相近。

2. continuing narrative:意为“继续的叙事”,也可用作continued story的同义词。

3. successive plot:意为“连续的情节”,强调情节之间紧密连接。

4. continuing saga:意为“延续的传奇故事”,多用于描述长篇小说或电影中复杂的情节发展。

5. uninterrupted tale:意为“不间断的故事”,强调故事线没有中断过。
