网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-24 13:59:23





1. 表示一场音乐会或演出活动,如“I went to a concert last night.”(我昨晚去了一场音乐会。)

2. 表示音乐会的节目单或安排,“The concert will feature works by Mozart and Beethoven.”(这场音乐会将演奏莫扎特和贝多芬的作品。)

3. 表示协调、统一,“We need to concert our efforts to achieve our goal.”(我们需要协调我们的努力来实现我们的目标。)

作为动词时,concert常与介词with连用,表示“与...协调”,如“We need to concert with each other to make the project successful.”(我们需要相互协调来使这个项目成功。)


1. I'm going to a rock concert tonight, are you interested in joining me?(今晚我要去看摇滚音乐会,你有兴趣一起去吗?)

2. The famous pianist will give a solo concert at the opera house next week.(著名的钢琴家将在下周在歌剧院举行独奏音乐会。)

3. The concert was a huge success, with the audience giving a standing ovation at the end.(这场音乐会取得了巨大的成功,观众在结束时起立鼓掌。)

4. The two teams had to concert their strategies in order to win the game.(为了赢得比赛,两队必须协调他们的战略。)

5. The government is working to concert efforts with other countries to address climate change.(正在努力与其他协调努力来应对气候变化。)


1. performance:表示“演出”,常用于指表演艺术、体育比赛等,“The ballet performance was breathtaking.”(芭蕾舞演出令人叹为观止。)

2. show:表示“表演”、“演出”,常用于指电视节目、游戏秀等,“I'm watching a cooking show on TV.”(我正在看电视上的烹饪节目。)

3. gig:表示“小型演出”、“小型表演”,常用于指音乐会或喜剧表演,“My band has a gig at the local bar next week.”(我的乐队下周在当地酒吧有一场小型演出。)

4. recital:表示“独奏音乐会”、“朗诵会”,常用于指个人的音乐或文学表演,“She will give a piano recital at the concert hall tomorrow.”(她明天将在音乐厅举行钢琴独奏音乐会。)

5. festival:表示“节日”、“庆典”,常用于指大型的文化活动或庆祝活动,“The city holds an annual music festival in the summer.”(这个城市每年夏天都举办一次音乐节。)

