网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-22 21:01:35

1. finalist是什么意思,finalist的用法与例句的解释


2. finalist是什么意思,finalist的用法与例句读音读法


3. finalist是什么意思,finalist的用法与例句的用例

- The three finalists of the singing competition will perform on stage tomorrow.


- The finalists of the design contest will have their works displayed in the art gallery.


- The judges will announce the winner among the finalists at the end of the competition.


- She was disappointed to find out that she didn't make it to the finalists.


- The finalists were all given certificates of participation for their outstanding performance.


4. finalist是什么意思,finalist的用法与例句组词

- finalist list (入围)

- finalist round (决赛轮次)

- finalist selection (入围者选拔)

- finalist announcement (入围者公布)

- finalist trophy (入围者奖杯)

5. finalist是什么意思,finalist的用法与例句的中英文对照

| 英文 | 中文 |

| --- | --- |

| Finalist | 入围者/决赛选手 |

| In the finals | 在决赛中 |

| Final round | 决赛轮次 |

| Final selection | 入围者选拔 |

| Final stage | 最终阶段 |

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结

