网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-22 20:50:07

1. extreme什么意思,extreme的用法和例句的解释:


2. extreme什么意思,extreme的用法和例句读音读法:


3. extreme什么意思,extreme的用法和例句的用例:

(1) The weather in the desert is extremely hot during the day.


(2) The situation is extremely dangerous and we need to be careful.


(3) The athlete's performance was extremely impressive, breaking the world record.


(4) The company is facing extreme financial difficulties and may have to declare bankruptcy.


(5) He has always been an extreme person, either very happy or very angry.


4. extreme什么意思,extreme的用法和例句组词:

- extremely (adv. 极端地)

- extremism (n. 极端主义)

- extremist (n. 极端主义者)

- extremity (n. 极端、末梢部分)

- extreme weather (极端天气)

- extreme sports (极限运动)

5. extreme什么意思,extreme的用法和例句的中英文对照:

Extreme - 极端的

- The weather is extremely hot today. - 今天天气非常炎热。

- He has an extremely bad temper. - 他脾气非常坏。

- The company is facing extreme financial difficulties. - 公司面临着极大的财务困难。

