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fade away是什么意思?fade away的用法和例句

2024-05-22 20:45:43

1.fade away是指逐渐消失或变弱。它可以用来描述物体、声音、光线等的消退或减弱。:The sound of the waves gradually faded away as we moved further from the shore.(当我们离岸越来越远时,海浪的声音逐渐消失了。)

2.fade away也可以用来表示情感或记忆的淡去。:The pain of losing her loved one slowly faded away over time.(随着时间的推移,她对失去所爱之人的痛苦慢慢消退了。)

3.在体育比赛中,fade away指运动员在投篮或跳投时向后倾斜身体,以避免防守球员的干扰。:He made a fade-away jump shot and scored the winning point for his team.(他做了一个后仰跳投,为他的队伍拿下了获胜分数。)

fade away的读音读法

fade away的读音为/fed we/。

fade away是什么意思?fade away的用法和例句用例

1. The colors of the sunset slowly faded away, leaving behind a dark sky.(夕阳的颜色慢慢消失了,留下一片黑暗的天空。)

2. As she grew older, her memories of her childhood began to fade away.(随着年龄的增长,她对童年的记忆开始淡漠。)

3. The singer's voice faded away as she reached the end of the song.(歌手的声音在歌曲的结尾处逐渐消失。)

4. The old photograph had faded away, making it hard to see the faces in it.(这张旧照片已经褪色,让人很难看清上面的面孔。)

5. His popularity as a musician quickly faded away after his scandal was exposed.(他作为音乐家的声望在丑闻曝光后迅速消退。)

fade away是什么意思?fade away的用法和例句组词

1. fade away gradually(逐渐消失)

2. fade away into the background(淡出人们视线)

3. fade away from memory(从记忆中淡去)

4. fade away like a dream(像梦一样消逝)

5. fade away slowly and silently(悄然而逝)

fade away是什么意思?fade away的用法和例句中英文对照

1.fade away是指逐渐消失或变弱。它可以用来描述物体、声音、光线等的消退或减弱。

Fade away means to gradually disappear or become weaker. It can be used to describe the fading or weakening of objects, sounds, light, etc.

2.fade away也可以用来表示情感或记忆的淡去。

Fade away can also be used to describe the fading of emotions or memories.

3.在体育比赛中,fade away指运动员在投篮或跳投时向后倾斜身体,以避免防守球员的干扰。

In sports, fade away refers to a player leaning backwards while shooting or jumping to avoid interference from the defending player.

4. The colors of the sunset slowly faded away, leaving behind a dark sky.


5. As she grew older, her memories of her childhood began to fade away.


6. The singer's voice faded away as she reached the end of the song.


7. He made a fade-away jump shot and scored the winning point for his team.


8. The old photograph had faded away, making it hard to see the faces in it.


9. His popularity as a musician quickly faded away after his scandal was exposed.


10. The pain of losing her loved one slowly faded away over time.


fade away这个词十分多义,它可以形容物体、声音、光线等的消退或减弱,也能表达情感和记忆的淡去。在运动比赛中,它还有特殊的用法,指运动员倾斜身体来避免防守球员的干扰。作为动词和名词,fade away都有着丰富多样的用法和例子。通过阅读我们可以更深刻地理解这个词。最后,我希望每个人都能根据自己的情感抒发来改写结尾。
