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come over怎么翻译?come over是什么意思?

2024-05-22 16:26:54

一:come over怎么翻译?come over是什么意思?

"Come over"是一个常用的英语短语,它可以有多种不同的含义,取决于上下文和使用场景。它可以被翻译为“过来”、“来访”、“来到”等等。其基本含义是指移动或转移到一个地方或位置。


1. 表示邀请或请求某人到自己所在的地方。


- Can you come over to my house for dinner tonight? (你今晚能过来我家吃饭吗?)

- I'm feeling a bit lonely, can you come over and keep me company? (我有点孤单,你能过来陪陪我吗?)

2. 表示移动到某个特定的地点。


- I'll come over to your office tomorrow to discuss the project. (明天我会到你办公室讨论这个项目。)

- Let's go to the park, it's such a beautiful day! (我们去公园吧,今天天气太好了!)

3. 表示转变状态或情绪。


- When I heard the news, a wave of sadness came over me. (当我听到这个消息时,一股悲伤涌上心头。)

- After taking the medicine, she gradually came over her illness. (服药后,她逐渐恢复了健康。)

4. 表示理解或接受某事。


- It took me a while to come over the shock of losing my job. (失业的打击让我一时难以接受。)

- I hope he can come over his fear of public speaking. (我希望他能克服对公众演讲的恐惧。)

5. 表示突然想起或想要做某事。


- I just came over a great idea for our next project! (我突然想到了一个关于下一个项目的好主意!)

- I came over the urge to quit my job and decided to stick with it. (我克服了辞职的冲动,决定继续工作。)


1. Can you come over to my house for dinner tonight? (你今晚能过来我家吃饭吗?)

2. I'm feeling a bit lonely, can you come over and keep me company? (我有点孤单,你能过来陪陪我吗?)

3. I'll come over to your office tomorrow to discuss the project. (明天我会到你办公室讨论这个项目。)

4. When I heard the news, a wave of sadness came over me. (当我听到这个消息时,一股悲伤涌上心头。)

5. It took me a while to come over the shock of losing my job. (失业的打击让我一时难以接受。)


1. Come by:表示经过某地,或顺便拜访某人。

例句:I'll come by your office tomorrow to pick up the documents. (明天我会到你办公室取文件。)

2. Drop in:表示突然来访,常用于邀请或请求。

例句:Feel free to drop in whenever you're in the neighborhood. (欢迎你在附近时随时来访。)

3. Swing by:表示顺路拜访某人。

例句:I'll swing by your house after work to drop off the package. (下班后我会顺路到你家送包裹。)

4. Pop over:表示突然来访,常用于邀请或请求。

例句:Why don't you pop over for a cup of tea? (为什么不过来喝杯茶呢?)

5. Pay a visit:表示正式的拜访。

例句:I'll pay a visit to my grandparents this weekend. (这个周末我会去看望我的祖父母。)
