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false discovery rate是什么意思?

2024-05-21 21:34:19

意思:false discovery rate(FDR)是指在进行多次假设检验时,错误地拒绝了真实假设的比例。它是用来衡量在进行多次统计检验时,的阳性结果中有多少是错误的。


例句1:In order to control the false discovery rate, we used the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure to adjust the p-values. (为了false discovery rate,我们使用了Benjamini-Hochberg程序来调整p值。)

例句2:The researchers found that the false discovery rate was significantly higher when using a less stringent p-value threshold. (研究人员,在使用较宽松的p值阈值时,false discovery rate显著增加。)

例句3:The FDR threshold was set at 0.05, meaning that only 5% of the positive results were expected to be false discoveries. (FDR阈值被设定为0.05,这意味着只有5%的阳性结果会被误认为是假。)

例句4:The use of FDR control methods has become increasingly important in large-scale genetic studies. (在大规模的遗传学研究中,使用FDR方法变得越来越重要。)

例句5:By controlling the false discovery rate, researchers can reduce the likelihood of false positive results and improve the reliability of their findings. (通过false discovery rate,研究人员可以降低假阳性结果的可能性,并提高研究结果的可靠性。)


总结:false discovery rate是指在进行多次统计检验时,错误地拒绝了真实假设的比例。它在大规模数据分析中起着重要作用,帮助研究人员更准确地评估实验结果,并减少假阳性结果的发生。使用FDR方法可以提高研究结果的可靠性,避免因为偶然而产生不正确的结论。
