网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-21 17:57:00


在第一个意思中,blasting通常用来描述爆炸或者爆破的过程。它可以指爆炸物的爆发,也可以指使用爆炸物来摧毁建筑物或者其他物体。:“The miners used dynamite for blasting the rocks.”(矿工们使用了来爆破岩石。)“The demolition team is blasting the old building tomorrow.”(拆除队明天将会对这座旧建筑进行爆破。)

在第二个意思中,blasting表示强力的抨击或者批评。它可以用来描述某人对某事持强硬态度并且表达出来的方式。:“The politician blasted his opponent's policies in a heated debate.”(家在激烈的辩论中抨击了他的对手的。)“The movie critic blasted the film for its poor acting and plot.”(电影评论家抨击了这部电影的演技和剧情不佳。)

除了以上两个主要意思外,blasting还可以作为形容词使用,表示“极其令人兴奋或震撼”的意思。:“The concert was blasting with energy and enthusiasm.”(这场音乐会充满了能量和热情。)




1. The construction workers are blasting the rocks to make way for the new highway.


2. The music was blasting from the speakers, making it impossible to have a conversation.


3. The company's CEO blasted the employees for their lack of productivity.


4. The referee blew his whistle, signaling the end of the game and blasting the home team's hopes of winning.


5. The fireworks display at the New Year's Eve party was absolutely blasting.

