网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-21 17:56:37





1. 作为动词,常用于以下几种情况:

- 抓住或抓获某物:She caught the ball with one hand.(她一手接住了球。)

- 捕捉动物:They went fishing and caught a lot of fish.(他们去钓鱼,钓到了很多鱼。)

- 捉住某人:The police finally caught the thief.(最终抓到了小偷。)

- 接住掉落的物品:I managed to catch my phone before it hit the ground.(我设法在它落地前接住了我的手机。)

- 被感染上疾病:He caught a cold from his colleague.(他从同事那里感染了感冒。)

- 遇上或碰上某人/某事:I caught my old friend on the street yesterday.(昨天我在街上遇到了我的老朋友。)

2. 作为名词,常用于以下几种情况:

- 捕获的东西:He proudly showed off his catch of the day.(他自豪地展示了他当天捕获的东西。)

- 抓住或捕获的动物:The fisherman was proud of his big catch.(渔夫为自己的大捕获感到骄傲。)

- 捉住的人:The police finally made a catch in the case.(最终在这起案件中抓住了犯人。)

- 某种情况或被:I think I've found the catch in this deal.(我觉得我了这笔交易的问题所在。)


1. He tried to catch the butterfly, but it flew away.


2. The cat caught a mouse and played with it.


3. The police caught the thief as he was trying to escape.


4. She caught her son sneaking cookies from the jar.


5. I think I caught a cold from my colleague.



1. The fisherman's big catch made him famous in the village.


2. The police made a big catch in the drug bust.


3. The catch of the day at the seafood restaurant was fresh and delicious.


4. The catch in this contract is that you have to work overtime without extra pay.


5. She quickly caught onto the new dance moves and performed them perfectly.

