网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-21 17:55:29



1. drain away:流走、消失

例句:The water began to drain away after the heavy rain sped.

2. drain off:排出、放出

例句:I need to drain off some of the water from the pot before cooking the rice.

3. drain out:排空、放空

例句:He opened the valve to let the air drain out of the tank.

4. drain pipes:排水管道

例句:The old house had clogged drain pipes that needed to be replaced.

5. emotional drain:耗尽

例句:Taking care of her sick mother was an emotional drain on her.

6. brain drain:人才流失

例句:Many developing countries are facing a serious brain drain problem.

7. energy drain:能量消耗

例句:Working long hours without breaks can be an energy drain on employees.

8. drainage system:排水

例句:The city's drainage system was not able to handle the heavy rain and caused floods.

9. financial drain:财务损失

例句: The company experienced a financial drain due to poor management decisions.

10. mental drain: 压力

例句:The constant pressure at work was causing a mental drain on her.





作为动词时,drain有排干、放干、流出等含义。比如我们可以使用“drain the water from the sink”来表示“把水从洗碗池里排出来”。

除了以上提到的常见用法和短语外,还有一些与drain相关但不那么常见的表达方式。比如,“down the drain”表示“付之东流”、“白费”,“rain drain”表示“雨水下水道”,“overflow drain”表示“溢出排水孔”。

