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high school是什么意思?高中的定义及特点

2024-05-21 15:38:15

1. high school是什么意思?

高中是指学生完成初中教育后,进入为期三年的普通高级中学阶段的学校。在美国,高中通常包括9年级至12年级,也有些地区将8年级纳入高中范围。在英国和加拿大,高中也被称为secondary school。高中是学生接受普通教育的最后一个阶段,在此期间,学生将接受更深入的学习和专业知识培养。

2. high school是什么意思?

读音读法:[ha skul]

3. high school是什么意思?


1) I went to a small high school in the countryside.


2) He dropped out of high school and started working at the factory.


3) She is a high school teacher and loves her job.


4) The high school students organized a charity event to raise money for the homeless.


5) My dream is to go to an Ivy League high school and then attend an Ivy League university.


4. high school是什么意思?


1) high school diploma(高中毕业文凭)

2) high school student(高中学生)

3) high school education(高中教育)

4) high school graduation(高中毕业)

5) high school curriculum(高中课程)

5. high school是什么意思?


1) 高中 - high school

2) 学生 - student

3) 完成 - complete

4) 教育 - education

5) 阶段 - stage

6) 深入的 - in-depth

7) 专业知识 - specialized knowledge

8) 培养 - cultivate

9) 辍学 - drop out of school

10) 工厂 - factory

