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do something的意思是什么?

2024-05-20 17:13:43

do something的意思是指进行某项活动或行为,通常用于表示某人正在做某事或已经做了某事。它可以用作及物动词,也可以用作不及物动词。


1. 及物动词:表示主语做了某项具体的活动或行为。

2. 不及物动词:表示主语进行了某种活动或行为,但没有具体指明是什么。


1. I have to do something about this problem. (我必须对这个问题采取一些措施。)

2. She is always doing something interesting. (她总是在做一些有趣的事情。)

3. He did something to upset his boss. (他做了一些让老板不高兴的事情。)

4. We should do something to help those in need. (我们应该做些什么来帮助那些需要帮助的人。)

5. The children are doing something in the garden. (孩子们在花园里做着什么。)


1. undertake:承担、从事(与任务或工作有关)

e.g. I have to undertake this project by myself.


2. perform:执行、表演(与任务、工作或表演有关)

e.g. He performed a magic trick at the party.


3. accomplish:完成、实现(与任务或目标有关)

e.g. She accomplished her goal of running a marathon.


4. carry out:执行、实施(与计划或指令有关)

e.g. The company will carry out the new policy next month.


5. engage in:从事、参与(与活动或行为有关)

e.g. They engaged in a heated debate about the ic.

