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eaten alive是什么意思?

2024-05-20 16:34:39

eaten alive是一个英语短语,意思是被活生生地吃掉。它通常用来形容一个人或动物被另一种生物吃掉的情况,也可以用来比喻某人被某种事物彻底击败或消灭。


“eaten alive”一词可以作为动词短语使用,也可以作为形容词短语使用。作为动词短语时,通常用来描述某人或动物被另一种生物吃掉的情况,如“被鲨鱼吃活了(eaten alive by a shark)”。作为形容词短语时,通常用来比喻某人被某种事物彻底击败或消灭,如“这个小公司被大公司吞并后就像是被吃活了(eaten alive)”。


1. The poor rabbit was eaten alive by the hungry wolf. (可怜的兔子被饥饿的狼吃掉了。)

2. The hiker was terrified when he found himself surrounded by a group of ants, afraid that he would be eaten alive. (当徒步旅行者自己被一群蚂蚁包围时,他感到恐惧不已,害怕自己会被活生生地吃掉。)

3. The small business was eaten alive by the giant corporation, unable to compete with its resources and influence. (这家小公司被大型企业吞并后,无法与其资源和影响力竞争,就像被吃活了一样。)

4. The young actress felt like she was being eaten alive by the harsh criticism from the media. (年轻的女演员感觉自己被媒体的严厉批评吞噬了,就像是被吃活了一样。)

5. The insects were eating the plant alive, leaving it with no chance of survival. (昆虫们正在活生生地吃掉这棵植物,让它没有存活的机会。)


1. Devoured: 意为“吞食”,也可以指某人或某物被彻底消灭或毁灭。“Devoured”也可以用来形容食物非常好吃而迅速被人吃光的情况。

例句:The village was devoured by the fire, leaving nothing but ashes behind. (村子被大火烧毁,只留下一片灰烬。)

2. Consumed: 意为“消耗”,也可以指某人或某物被完全占据或。“Consumed”还可以用来表示某人对某事物非常着迷或专注。

例句:The whole town was consumed by the excitement of the annual festival. (整个小镇都被每年一度的节日的兴奋所吞噬。)

3. Devastated: 意为“毁坏”,也可以指某人或某物被严重打击或摧毁。“Devastated”还可以用来形容某人非常悲伤或失望。

例句:The farmer's crops were devastated by the heavy rain, leaving him with no harvest for the year. (农民的庄稼被暴雨摧毁,今年没有收成。)

4. Overwhelmed: 意为“压倒”,也可以指某人被情感或感情淹没。“Overwhelmed”还可以用来形容某人被任务或工作负荷压得喘不过气来。

例句:The new employee was overwhelmed by the amount of work he was given on his first day. (新员工在第一天就被给予的工作量压得喘不过气来。)

5. Swallowed up: 意为“吞噬”,也可以指某物完全被另一物体包围或掩盖。“Swallowed up”还可以用来比喻某人被环境或情况所吞没。

例句:The small island was swallowed up by the huge waves during the typhoon. (小岛在台风期间被巨浪吞没。)
