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2024-05-20 16:34:33


drawstring [drstr] 是一个英语单词,读音为/drawstring/,是由动词draw(画,拉)和名词string(绳子)组合而成的复合名词。它的意思是“可拉动的绳子”或“拉绳子”。在英式英语中也可以写作“draw-string”。


1. drawstring作为名词,通常指的是一种可以通过拉动来收紧或松开的绳子。它通常被用于衣物、袋子、帽子等物品上,可以调节其大小和紧度。

2. drawstring也可以作为形容词,表示具有可调节大小和紧度的特性。:“这件连衣裙有一个可调节的drawstring腰带。”


1. She tied the drawstring of her hoodie and put on the hood to keep warm. 她系上了她连帽衫的拉绳,并把兜帽戴上保暖。

2. The drawstrings on the backpack were too loose, so I tightened them to prevent my books from falling out. 背包上的拉绳太松了,我把它们收紧以防止书本掉出来。

3. The pajama pants have a comfortable elastic waistband with a drawstring for a perfect fit. 睡衣裤子有一个舒适的松紧腰带,还有一个拉绳,可以完美贴合身材。

4. The drawstring of the gift bag is decorated with shiny beads. 礼品袋的拉绳上装饰着闪亮的珠子。

5. He pulled the drawstring on the curtains to let in more light. 他拉动窗帘的拉绳,让更多的光线进来。


1. cord (n.) 绳子,线索

例句:The hood of her jacket was secured by a cord that she could tighten in windy weather. 她夹克的兜帽是用一根绳子固定的,在刮风天气可以收紧。

2. lace (n.) 鞋带,系带

例句:She tripped over her untied shoelace and fell to the ground. 她因为鞋带没系好而摔倒在地。

3. tie (v.) 系,捆扎

例句:He used a rope to tie up the branches of the tree that were blocking the road. 他用一根绳子把挡住道路的树枝捆扎起来。

4. string (n.) 细绳,线

例句:The string on my guitar broke, so I had to replace it with a new one. 我吉他上的弦断了,所以我不得不换上一根新的。

5. strap (n.) 带子,皮带

例句:The strap on her bag broke, so she had to carry it in her arms. 她包包上的带子断了,所以她不得不抱着它。
