网校一点通 学习方法


2024-05-20 16:34:04


用法:作为名词,dove通常用来指代一种白色、灰色或棕色的鸟类,它们有小而圆的身体、短而厚的喙和短而圆的尾巴。这些鸽子通常生活在城市、乡村和森林中,并被人类驯养为宠物。作为动词,dove通常用来描述人或动物轻柔地向下移动,如“dove into the pool”(潜入游泳池),“the bird dove down to catch its prey”(鸟儿俯冲捕食)。


1. The dove is a symbol of peace and love.(鸽子是和平与爱的象征。)

2. The dove flew away as soon as I approached it.(当我靠近时,那只鸽子就飞走了。)

3. She dove into the water to save her drowning friend.(她潜入水中救她溺水的朋友。)

4. The plane dove towards the ground before pulling up again.(飞机俯冲向地面,然后再次拉起。)

5. The dove cooed softly as it sat on the windowsill.(那只鸽子坐在窗台上,轻声地咕咕叫。)

同义词及用法:作为名词,dove的同义词包括pigeon和rock dove,它们都指代鸽子这种鸟类。作为动词,dove的同义词包括plunge、descend和drop,它们都可以用来表示向下移动或俯冲。,“the eagle plunged towards its prey”(老鹰向猎物俯冲),“the temperature will descend to freezing tonight”(今晚气温将下降到冰点),“the ball dropped into the basket”(球落入篮筐)。
